Mitch I lived a crazy busy life. I was trained as a lawyer. I worked in investment banking and as a hedge fund manager. The hours often were extreme, the concept of a “day off” foreign.

I loved what I did, but I also wore myself down, was stressed out and started making more frequent trips to the doctor as more stress-induced problems arose.

Now I work with professionals and teams – where the stakes are high – to significantly reduce unhealthy stress and increase productivity.

I left Wall Street in August 2008, just before the financial crisis hit (better lucky than smart). Based on my research, I understood a major problem was coming; I just didn’t know when. And the stress was so intense, I didn’t feel it was worth it just to hold a job . . . so I left on a journey to travel the world and to figure out life. Not long after the financial crisis, I experienced my own personal crisis. Little did I know it would lead to my most important – and fulfilling – travels . . . through the transformation of my mind.

Human beings tend to learn major life lessons and effect enduring change either through insight or through suffering, the latter seemingly being far more common. Sometimes that means, “hitting bottom,” other times it means enduring enormous challenges. IF one comes out of those experiences, one comes out vastly stronger; one bounces much higher than one started. This is a key manner in which resilience is built.

But there is another way. We CAN learn resilience through insight. Studies show people who have learned resilience are far happier and more successful. This leads to less stress, greater productivity and a more fulfilling life . . . without such deep suffering. We CAN improve our lives if we’re willing and open to evidence-based, scientifically proven perspectives and methods.


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Workshop with Mitch SwergoldI just spent the last 9 years studying the mind, from ancient spiritual practices to neuroscience and quite a bit in between. I have traveled extensively to seminars, retreats, conferences and the like, not to mention taken countless classes, read countless books and coached many people, from truly stuck, unhappy, stressed-out feelings, to feelings of calm, peace, strength and resilience, ie. to happiness. And the reason I’ve been able to help so many people is because first I helped myself.

I help you apply in your life what I had the opportunity to go and do full time for years. Most of us don’t have that opportunity. Now you can gain all the benefits in far less time and at far lower cost than the $100’s of thousands of dollars and 9 years I’ve invested.

My corporate training and coaching programs are designed to deliver tangible and practical results – rapidly. We start with the 3 legs of the stool of learning: content, installation of that content into our minds through exercises and mental focusing (meditation) and application – applying what we’ve learned when its hardest.
Mitch teaching

 What You Can Expect:

I show you how the mind works, so its no longer a black box, how you can literally change the physical structure of your mind and why this is so important, which provides you with that necessary motivation to actually fulfill your goals. I help you see how the unconscious mind works and actually points us in directions that are opposite to what we’re trying to achieve. And I guide you through the process of how rather than directly fighting the ego and unconscious mind, we can actually utilize its strength and transform it from foe to friend.

At this point, your perspective has changed, your orientation towards the world; you have increased clarity and focus, are calmer and better equipped to transform adversity of any kind into resilience and strength. This leads to less stress, greater productivity and a much happier life.

You Will Learn To:

  • Recognize stress-related signs, symptoms and conditions
  • Understand historical and present-day stress/resilience research
  • Learn how stress can be harmful or helpful
  • Practice important stress-management skills during each talk
  • Gain simple, practical tools to build a more resilient brain and body
  • Acquire the super-skill of using stress to optimize health and performance

Why is this so important? Let me count the ways . . . They are far too numerous to include them all here. Just for starters:


  • Stress is an inflammatory response in your body and negatively effects almost every system in your body. Let that sink in for a moment: every time you have unhealthy stress, there is a negative impact upon literally virtually every system in your body. Here are just a few salient points:
  • 75% of medical absenteeism is due to stress-related factors. What would be the impact of just a small downtick in this statistic on your firm’s productivity, not to mention teamwork and happiness?
  • 1 in 4 CEO’s claim to be struggling with depression. Clearly, money does not equal happiness. What does? Mindset (ie, what we learn in content, install during installation and practice during application)
  • Studies show that on average, 49.6% of the time our minds wander. How might showing untrained minds how to focus attention in a systematic way improve the productivity of your firm?

I know the challenges that you and your team face. The work I do will change the game for you.

In case you’re wondering, I’m a Columbia University graduate. I received my Juris Doctor from Emory. I’m an expert in positive psychology and mindfulness in the workplace and a leading authority on empowering and engaging teams to increase performance and profit.